112 Stop saving previous passwords for all entries.\nNo history will be lost, but no password changes will be tracked until history saving is re-activated.
113 Start saving previous passwords for all entries.\nEntries with no history will save up to the above number of passwords.\nEntries with password history will track changes, but the number of entries tracked will not change.
114 All entries will save up to the the above number of passwords. The maximium number of saved passwords in entries currently saving password history will be set to the new maximum as long as the number currently saved is less than this value.\nEntries with more than this new maximum already saved will remain unchanged.
115 Sorry - this HotKey is already assigned.\n\nPlease select a different key combination.
32773 Create a new password entry inside of this group.
32800 \nMake New Database
32801 \nOpen Another Database
32802 \nSave Database
32803 \nCopy Username to Clipboard
32804 \nCopy Password to Clipboard
32805 \nCopy Notes to Clipboard
32806 \nClear the clipboard contents
32807 \nPerform Autotype
32808 \nBrowse to URL
32809 \nAdd New Entry
32810 \nEdit an Entry
32811 \nDelete an Entry
32812 \nHelp
32829 Create a new nested group inside of this one.